ShanghaiTech University Human Resources
高飞    助理教授、研究员
所在学院 信息科学与技术学院
研究方向 医疗器械与医学传感器
联系方式 gaofei@@shanghaitech.edu.cn
2009 获得西安交通大学微电子专业学士学位
2015 获得新加坡南洋理工大学电气与电子工程专业博士学位

2009.07-2010.07 西安交通大学,研究助理
2015.08-2015.11 斯坦福大学电机工程系,博士后访问学者
2015.12-2017.1 新加坡南洋理工大学, 研究员及电磁超声小组组长
2017.1-至今 上海科技大学信息科学与技术学院,助理教授、研究员

高博士曾获2014年国家优秀自费留学生奖学金。他的博士论文(Multi-Wave Electromagnetic-Acoustic Sensing and Imaging) 获2016年Springer Thesis Award并即将正式出版。他曾在新加坡南洋理工大学和美国斯坦福大学从事博士后研究工作(2015-2016)。他已在多个国际知名期刊发表20多篇期刊论文。他的博士研究成果已申请四项专利,并获得工业界关注。
1. Fei Gao, Ruochong Zhang, Xiaohua Feng, Siyu Liu, Ran Ding, Rahul Kishor, Lei Qiu and Yuanjin Zheng, “Phase-domain photoacoustic sensing”, Applied Physics Letters, to appear (2017)

2. Fei Gao, Linyi Bai, Siyu Liu, Ruochong Zhang, Xiaohua Feng, Yuanjin Zheng, and Yanli Zhao, “Rationally Encapsulated Gold Nanorods Improving both Linear and Nonlinear Photoacoustic Imaging Contrast in vivo”, Nanoscale, DOI: 10.1039/C6NR07528B (2017)

3. Gaoming Li, Fei Gao, Xiaohua Feng, Yuanjin Zheng, "Theory analysis of stimulated Raman Photoacoustics in frequency domain: a feasibility study ", Journal of Applied Physics, 120, 083105 (2016). (Equal contribution)

4. Gaoming Li, Fei Gao, Yisheng Qiu, Xiaohua Feng, Yuanjin Zheng, "Multiple stimulated Emission fluorescence photoacoustic sensing and spectroscopy", Applied Physics Letters, 109, 013701 (2016). (Equal contribution)

5. Rahul, Kishor, Fei Gao, S. Sreejith, X. Feng, Y. P. Seah, Z. Wang, M. C. Stuparu, T.-T. Lim, X. Chen, and Y. Zheng, “Photoacoustic Induced Surface Acoustic Wave Sensor for Concurrent Opto-Mechanical Microfluidic Sensing of Dyes and Plasmonic Nanoparticles”, RSC Advances, 6, 50238-50244 (2016). (Equal contribution)

6. Fei Gao, Linyi Bai, Xiaohua Feng, Huijun Phoebe Tham, Ruochong Zhang, Yuanyuan Zhang, Siyu Liu, Lingzhi Zhao, Yuanjin Zheng, and Yanli Zhao, “Remarkable in vivo nonlinear photoacoustic imaging based on organic dyes”, Small, DOI: 10.1002/smll.201602121 (2016)

7. Fei Gao, Xiaohua Feng, Yuanjin Zheng, "Advanced photoacoustic and thermoacoustic sensing and imaging beyond pulsed absorption contrast ", Journal of Optics, 18, 074006 (2016). (invited review)

8. Fei Gao, Xiaohua Feng and Yuanjin Zheng, "Micro-Doppler photoacoustic effect and sensing by ultrasound radar ", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics on Quantum Electronics, 22, 681806, 1-6 (2016)

9. Fei Gao, Qiwen Peng, Xiaohua Feng, Bo Gao, and Yuanjin Zheng, “Single-wavelength blood oxygen saturation sensing combining optical scattering and absorption”, IEEE Sensors Journal, 16, 1943-1948 (2016)

10. Fei Gao, Yi Hong Ong, Gaoming Li, Xiaohua Feng, Yuanjin Zheng, Quan Liu, "Fast photoacoustic-guided depth-resolved Raman spectroscopy: a feasibility study", Optics Letters, 40, 3568-3571 (2015)

11. Xiaohua Feng, Fei Gao, Chenyu Xu, Gaoming Li, Yuanjin Zheng, "Self temperature regulation of photothermal therapy by laser-shared photoacoustic feedback", Optics Letters, 40, 4492-4495 (2015)

12. Fei Gao, Xiaohua Feng, Yuanjin Zheng, "Photoacoustic elastic oscillation and characterization", Optics Express, 23, 20617-20628 (2015)

13. Xiaohua Feng, Fei Gao, Rahul Kishor and Yuanjin Zheng, “Coexisting and mixing phenomena of thermoacoustic and magnetoacoustic waves in water”, Scientific Reports, 5, 11489 (2015)

14. Xiaohua Feng, Fei Gao, Yuanjin Zheng, "Photoacoustics Based Close-loop Control for Nanoparticle Hyperthermia", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 62, 1728 - 1737 (2015)

15. Xiaohua Feng, Fei Gao, Yuanjin Zheng, "Modulatable magnetically mediated thermoacoustic imaging with magnetic nanoparticles", Applied Physics Letters, 106, 153702 (2015)