ShanghaiTech University Human Resources
林照博    助理教授、研究员
所在学院 生命科学与技术学院
研究方向 干细胞生物学, RNA生物学
联系方式 linzhb@@shanghaitech.edu.cn
1994.9-1998.6 就读台湾大学动物学系,获学士学位
2000.9-2002.6 就读国立阳明大学遗传学研究所,获硕士学位
2002.9-2003.8 任台湾大学医学院微生物学研究所研究助理
2003.9-2010.1 就读美国罗格斯大学药理学研究所,获博士学位,导师为中央研究院刘昉院士
2010.4-2017.3 在美国加州大学伯克利分校从事博士后研究,导师为何琳博士
2017.6-至今 上海科技大学生命科学与技术学院担任助理教授、研究员
多功能干细胞 (pluripotent stem cells, PSCs, 包括胚胎干细胞 embryonic stem cells 和诱导干细胞 induced pluripotent stem cells) 可在实验室分化为几乎所有体细胞组织。因此, 理解调控其潜能的分子机制对未来再生医学的应用有着重要意义。本实验室主要研究小分子RNA microRNA在多功能干细胞中的功能, 亦对哺乳类基因体中转座子 (retrotransposon) 的功能有浓厚兴趣, 大致可为几个方向: 一、 研究抑癌基因p53调控的microRNA miR-34在诱导干细胞形成中的作用;二、研究miR-34如何作为枢纽调控 PSC的万能性 (pluripotency) 至全能性 (totipotency) 间的潜能转换 (Science, 2017) ;三、研究哺乳类基因体中转座子在胚胎及体组织发育过程中扮演的角色。
1. Lin CP and He L. (2017) Noncoding RNAs in Cancer Development. Annual Reviews of Cancer Biology. 1:163-84.

2. Choi YJ*, Lin CP*#, Risso D*, Chen S, Tan MH, Li JB, Wu Y, Chen C, Xuan Z, Macfarlan T, Peng W, Kim SY, Speed TP, and He L#. (2017) Deficiency of miR-34a expands cell fate potential in pluripotent stem cells. Science. 10;355(6325) (* equal contribution; # corresponding author)

3. Okada N, Lin CP, Ribeiro MC, Biton A, Lai G, He X, Bu P, Vogel H, Jablons DM, Keller AC, Wilkinson JE, He B, Speed TP, and He L. (2013) A positive feedback between p53 and miR-34 miRNAs mediates tumor suppression. Genes Dev. 28(5): 438-50

4. Lin CP, Choi YJ, Hicks GG, and He L. (2011) The emerging functions of the p53-miRNA network in stem cell biology. Cell Cycle. 11:2063-72

5. Choi YJ*, Lin CP*, Ho J, Zhong Y, He X, Okada N, Bu P, Zhong Y, Kim SY, Bennett MJ, Chen C, Ozturk A, Hicks G, Hannon GJ and He L. (2010) miR-34 miRNAs provide a barrier for somatic cell reprogramming. Nat Cell Biol. 13:1353-60 (* equal contribution)

6. Lin CP*, Ban Y*, Lyu YL, and Liu LF. (2009) Proteasome-dependent processing of topoisomerase I-DNA adducts into DNA double-strand breaks at arrested replication forks. J Biol Chem. 284: 28084-92 (* equal contribution)

7. Tsai YC, Qi H, Lin CP, Lin RK, Kerrigan J, Rzuczek SG, LaVoie EJ, Rice JE, Pilch DS, and Liu LF (2009) A G-Quadruplex stabilizer induces M phase cell cycle arrest. J Biol Chem. 284: 22535-43

8. Lin CP, Ban Y, Lyu YL, Desai SD, and Liu LF. (2008) A Ubiquitin-proteasome pathway for the repair of topoisomerase I-DNA covalent complexes. J Biol Chem. 283: 21074-83

9. Lyu YL, Kerrigan JE, Lin CP, Azarova AM, Tsai YC, Ban Y, and Liu LF. (2007) Topoisomerase II mediated DNA double-strand breaks: implications in doxorubicin cardiotoxicity and prevention by dexrazoxane. Cancer Res. 67: 8839-46

10. Azarova AM*, Lyu YL*, Lin CP, Tsai YC, Lau JY, Wang JC, and Liu LF. (2007) Roles of DNA topoisomerase II isozymes in chemotherapy and secondary malignancies. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 104: 11014-9 (* equal contribution)

11. Zhang A*, Lyu YL*, Lin CP, Zhou N, Azarova AM, Wood LM, and Liu LF. (2006) A protease pathway for the repair of topoisomerase II-DNA covalent complexes. J Biol Chem. 281: 35997-6003

12. Qi H, Lin CP, Fu X, Wood LM, Liu AA, Tsai YC, Chen Y, Barbieri CM, Pilch DS, and Liu LF. (2006) G-quadruplexes induce apoptosis in tumor cells. Cancer Res. 66: 11808-16