ShanghaiTech University Human Resources
Tomoyasu Sugiyama    助理教授、研究员
所在学院 生命科学与技术学院
研究方向 Chromosome and RNA Biology
联系方式 tsugiyama@@shanghaitech.edu.cn
Dr. Tomoyasu Sugiyama graduated from Tohoku University in 1997, received an M.S. degree from Nara Institute of Science and Technology in 1999 and obtained a Ph.D. degree from Osaka University in 2003. After his postdoctoral training as a Visiting Fellow at the National Cancer Institute/National Institutes of Health (USA) from 2003 to 2007, he led his own group at Tsukuba University (Japan) from 2008 to 2013. He continued his research at NCI/NIH as a Research Fellow prior to joining ShanghaiTech University as an Assistant Professor in Aug 2017.
Precise regulation of chromatin dynamics (e.g., heterochromatin assembly and transcriptional gene silencing) and RNA degradation are crucial for genome stability and proper gene expression patterns in eukaryotes. Dr. Sugiyama has made important contributions to understanding the mechanisms by which constitutive and facultative heterochromatin assembly are directed by RNA interference (RNAi) and a selective mRNA degradation pathway. However, the detailed mechanisms are not yet entirely understood.
The Sugiyama group mainly uses the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe as a model system to study (1) how RNA processing factors regulate proper gene expression and (2) how RNA processing factors control chromosome dynamics such as heterochromatin assembly and chromosome segregation.
Emerging evidence indicates that defects in these mechanisms cause several diseases such as cancer, diabetes and neurodegenerative disorders. Therefore, uncovering the underlying mechanisms of RNA-mediated regulation is critical for understanding diseases for which new therapeutic targets could lead to alternative treatments.
1. Folco H.D., Chalamcharla V.R., Sugiyama T., Thillainadesan G., Zofall M., Balachandran V., Dhakshnamoorthy J., Mizuguchi T., and Grewal S.I. (2017). “Untimely expression of gametogenic genes in vegetative cells causes uniparental disomy.” Nature, 543(7643):126-130.

2. Sugiyama T., Thillainadesan G., Chalamcharla V.R., Meng Z., Balachandran V., Dhakshnamoorthy J., Zhou M., and Grewal S.I. (2016). “Enhancer of rudimentary cooperates with conserved RNA-processing factors to promote meiotic mRNA decay and facultative heterochromatin assembly.” Mol. Cell, 61(5): 747-759. 

3. Zhou Y., Zhu J., Schermann G., Ohle C., Bendrin K., Sugioka-Sugiyama R., #Sugiyama T., and #Fischer T. (2015). “The fission yeast MTREC complex targets CUTs and unspliced pre-mRNAs to the nuclear exosome.” Nat. Commun., 6: 7050. (#co-corresponding authors)

4. #Sugiyama T., Watanabe N., Kitahata E., Tani T., and Sugioka-Sugiyama R. (2013). “Red5 and three nuclear pore components are essential for efficient suppression of specific mRNAs during vegetative growth of fission yeast.” Nucleic. Acids. Res., 41(13): 6674-6686. (#corresponding author)

5. #Sugiyama T. and Sugioka-Sugiyama R. (2011). “Red1 promotes the elimination of meiosis- specific mRNAs in vegetatively growing fission yeast.” EMBO J., 30(6): 1027-1039. (#corresponding author)

6. Sugiyama T., Cam H.P., Sugiyama R., Noma K., Zofall M., Kobayashi R., and Grewal S.I. (2007). “SHREC, histone deacetylase- and SNF2 ATPase-containing complex, mediates heterochromatic transcriptional silencing.” Cell, 128(3): 491-504. Erratum in: Cell (2007). 129(6):1227.

7. Sugiyama T., Cam H., Verdel A., Moazed D., and Grewal S.I. (2005). “RNA-dependent RNA polymerase is an essential component of a self-enforcing loop coupling heterochromatin assembly to siRNA production.” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 102(1): 152-157.

8. Cam H.P., Sugiyama T., Chen E.S., Chen X., FitzGerald P.C., and Grewal S.I. (2005). “Comprehensive analysis of heterochromatin- and RNAi-mediated epigenetic control of the fission yeast genome.” Nat. Genet., (Article) 37(8): 809-819.

9. Verdel A., Jia S., Gerber S., Sugiyama T., Gygi S., Grewal S.I., and Moazed D. “RNAi-mediated targeting of heterochromatin by the RITS complex.” Science, 303(5658): 672-676. Erratum in: Science (2013). 342(6155):193.