ShanghaiTech University Human Resources
沈伟    助理教授、研究员
所在学院 生命科学与技术学院
研究方向 神经环路与代谢疾病
联系方式 shenwei@@shanghaitech.edu.cn
沈伟博士于2007年本科毕业于清华大学生物科学与技术系(导师,饶子和院士);2013年博士毕业于约翰霍普金斯大学医学院生化系(导师,Craig Montell教授),博士期间主要利用果蝇作为模式生物研究温度受体和温度感受机制;2013-2014作为博士后短暂工作于洛克菲勒大学分子遗传学系(导师,Jeff Friedman院士),博士后期间学习利用小鼠作为模式生物研究肥胖的发生机制;于2014年7月加盟上海科技大学生命科学与技术学院任助理教授、研究员。

1. Zhe Yang, Rui Huang, Xin Fu, Gaohang Wang, Wei Qi, Shen W.L.*, Liming Wang* (2018) An internal sensor detects dietary amino acids and promotes food consumption in Drosophila, Cell Research accepted (*, corresponding authors,). bioRxiv: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2017/10/17/204453.

2. Zhao, Z., Yang, W., Gao, C., Fu, X., Zhang, W., Zhou, Q., Chen, W., Ni, X., Lin, J., Yang, J., Xu, X., Shen, W.L.* (2017) Hypothalamic circuit that controls body temperature. Proc Natl Acad Sci. In press. (*, corresponding author)(Commented article by PNAS, Commentary link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28179562)

3. Luo, J., Shen, W.L., & Montell, C. (2017) TRPA1 mediates sensation of the rate of temperature change in Drosophila larvae. Nat Neurosci 20(1), 34-41.

4. Zhang, Y., Raghuwanshi, R.P., Shen, W.L., and Montell, C. (2013). Food experience-induced taste desensitization modulated by the Drosophila TRPL channel. Nat Neurosci, 16, 1468-1476.

5. Shen, W.L., Kwon, Y., Adegbola, A.A., Luo, J., Chess, A., and Montell, C. (2011). Function of rhodopsin in temperature discrimination in Drosophila. Science 331, 1333-1336.

6. Kwon, Y.*, Shen, W.L.*, Shim, H.S., and Montell, C. (2010). Fine thermotactic discrimination between the optimal and slightly cooler temperatures via a TRPV channel in chordotonal neurons. J Neurosci 30, 10465-10471. (*, equally contributed)

7. Xue, X., Yu, H., Yang, H., Xue, F., Wu, Z., Shen, W., Li, J., Zhou, Z., Ding, Y., Zhao, Q., et al. (2008). Structures of two coronavirus main proteases: implications for substrate binding and antiviral drug design. J Virol 82, 2515-2527.

8. Xue, X., Yang, H., Shen, W., Zhao, Q., Li, J., Yang, K., Chen, C., Jin, Y., Bartlam, M., and Rao, Z. (2007). Production of authentic SARS-CoV M(pro) with enhanced activity: application as a novel tag-cleavage endopeptidase for protein overproduction. J Mol Biol 366, 965-975.

9. Li, J.*, Shen, W.*, Liao, M., and Bartlam, M. (2007). Preliminary crystallographic analysis of avian infectious bronchitis virus main protease. Acta crystallographica Section F, Structural biology and crystallization communications 63, 24-26. (*, equally contributed)