个人简介 |
1997-2001 学士 材料科学, 天津大学,天津 2001-2004 硕士 材料科学, 北京化工大学,北京 2004-2009 博士 生物医药工程和纤维科学,康奈尔大学,美国 2009-2011 博士后 材料科学与工程系,华盛顿大学(西雅图),美国 2012-2014 博士后 电子和计算机工程系以及生物工程系,合成生物学中心,麻省理工学院,美国 2014年7月加入上海科技大学物质科学与技术学院,任助理教授、研究员。 |
主要研究内容 |
整合生物灵感分子工程实验室长期的研究兴趣即以生物灵感工程准则为主线,以当代社会所面临的健康,能源和环境等方面的重大问题为导向,致力于下一代生物灵感材料,生物纳米技术或装置的开发和实际应用。具体包括以下几方面:1)生物和非生物界面交叉问题的探索以及相关前沿技术的开发; 2)发展新型的生物灵感性材料,生物仿生纳米技术及其在医药和其他重要技术领域的应用; 3)基于分子,细胞和组织等多级别的生物灵感分子器件和装置的开发及应用。 当前课题组的研究项目主要包括以下几方面:(1)工程细菌生物膜活体功能材料及其在生物修复,生物催化,人工光合和生物医药中的应用;(2)生物粘合现象和水下粘合材料的开发;(3)基于功能淀粉样蛋白的生物自组装,生物制造以及装置整合。 |
代表性论文 |
1. X. Wang#, J. Pu#, B. An#,Y. Li, Y. Shang, Z. Ning, Y. Liu, F. Ba, J. Zhang, C. Zhong*, Programming cells for dynamicassembly of inorganic nano-objects with spatiotemporal control. AdvancedMaterials 2018, 30, 1705968. (Inside back cover & video abstract highlight) 2. Y. Wang#, J. Hua#,B. An#, T. K. Lu*, C. Zhong*,Emerging Paradigms for Synthetic Design of Functional Amyloids, Journalof Molecular Biology 2018 in press, (Invited review in theme issue “functional amyloids”). 3. L. Jiang, X. Song, Y. Li, Q. Xu, J.Pu, H. Huang*, and C. Zhong*,Programming integrative extracellular and intracellular biocatalysis for rapid,robust, and recyclable synthesis of trehalose. ACS Catalysis 2018, 8,1837−1842. 4. B. An#, X. Wang#, M. Cui#, X. Gui, X. Mao, Y. Liu, K. Li, C. Chu, J. Pu, S. Ren, Y. Wang, G. Zhong, T. K. Lu, C. Liu, and C.Zhong*. Diverse supramolecularnanofiber networks assembled by functional low-complexity domains. ACS Nano 2017, 11 (7),6985–6995. 5. M. Cui#, S. Ren#,S. Wei#, C. Sun, C. Zhong*,Natural and bio-inspired underwater adhesives: current progress and new perspectives. APLMaterials 2017, 5, 116102. (Invited review). 6. X. Y. Wang #, Y.F. Li #, C.Zhong*, Amyloid-directed assembly of nanostructures and functionaldevices for bionanoelectronics. Journalof Materials Chemistry B. 2015, 3, 4953-4958. (Invited review). Before JoiningShanghaiTech 7. C. Zhong, T.K. Lu et al. Strong underwater adhesives made by self-assembling multi-protein nanofibres. NatureNanotechnology 2014, 10, 858-866. (Highlightedin MIT News, the Scientist, Science Daily, Materials Today, MRS website andothers) 8. C. Zhong, Y.X. Deng, A. Kapetanovic, M. Rolandi, A polysaccharide bioprotonic field-effecttransistor. Nature Communications 2011,2, 476. (Highlighted by MITTech Review, IEEE Spectrum, MRS website and others). 9. C. Zhong, A.Kapetanovic, Y. X. Deng,M. Rolandi, A chitin nanofiber ink for airbrushing, replica molding andmicrocontact printing of self-assembled marco-, micro- and nanostructures. AdvancedMaterials 2011, 23, 4776-4781. (Insidecover feature). 10. C. Zhong,C.C.Chu, Biomimetic mineralization of acid polysaccharide-based hydrogels:Towards porous 3-dimensional bone-like biocomposites. Journal of Materials Chemistry2012, 22, 6080-6087. (Highlightedin Biomimetic Materials Collection on RSC Biomaterials Science Blog). 11. C. Zhong, C. C. Chu et al., Synthesis,characterization and cytotoxicity of photo-crosslinked maleic chitosan-PEGDAhybrid hydrogels. ActaBiomaterialia, 2010, 6, 3908-3918. 12. C. Zhong, A.Cooper, A. Kapetanovic, M. Zhang, M. Rolandi, A facile bottom-up route toself-assembled biogenic chitin nanofibers. SoftMatter 2010, 6, 5298-5301. 13. C. Zhong, C. C. Chu, On the origin ofamorphous cores in biomimetic calcium carbonate spherulites: new insights intospherulitic crystallization. CrystalGrowth and Design 2010, 10, 5043-5049. 14. C. Zhong, C. C. Chu, Acidpolysaccharide-induced amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) films: colloidalnanoparticle self-organization process. Langmuir2009, 25, 3045–3049. 15.A.Y. Chen #, C. Zhong #, T. K. Lu, Engineeringliving functional materials. ACS Synthetic Biology 2015, 4,8-11 (Invited Perspective paper). |