ShanghaiTech University Human Resources
Garth J. Thompson    Research Associate Professor
所在学院 iHuman研究所
研究方向 Magnetic resonance imaging
联系方式 gthompson@@shanghaitech.edu.cn
Nov. 2017-Present Research associate professor, ShanghaiTech University
2014-2017 Postdoctoral fellow, Yale University, Fahmeed Hyder adviser
2013 PhD in Biomedical Engineering at Emory University and Georgia Institute of Technology
2008-2013 Graduate research fellow, Emory University and Georgia Institute of Technology, Shella Keilholz adviser
2005-2008 Software engineer, customer engineer, CyberOptics Corporation
2003 B.A. in Mathematics and Computer Science at Macalester College
The Thompson lab studies brain function using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Tools such as “functional MRI” (fMRI) have helped researchers understand the brain, but if we want to use MRI to develop drugs and treatments for neural and psychological conditions, we must link the microscopic scale of cells and receptors to the macroscopic scale of networks and whole-brain metabolism. We intend to develop quantitative techniques to use MRI to measure brain function in terms of oxygen metabolism, glucose metabolism, and metabotropic receptor function. Our long-term goal is to use MRI techniques as a tool for guiding development of drugs and treatments for neuropsychological conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and Schizophrenia.
GJ Thompson, “Neural and metabolic basis of dynamic resting state fMRI,” NeuroImage 2017 Sep 9, in press

Human fMRI:
R Vos de Wael, F Hyder, GJ Thompson, “Effects of tissue-specific fMRI signal regression on resting-state functional connectivity,” Brain Connectivity 7(8):482-490, 2017

GJ Thompson, V Riedl, T Grimmer, A Drzezga, P Herman, F Hyder, “The whole-brain ‘global’ signal from resting state fMRI as a potential biomarker of quantitative state changes in glucose metabolism,” Brain Connectivity 6(6):435-47, 2016

Rodent fMRI:
GJ Thompson, WJ Pan, JC Billings, JK Grooms, S Shakil, D Jaeger, SD Keilholz, “Phase-amplitude coupling and infraslow (<1 Hz) frequencies in the rat brain: relationship to resting state fMRI,” Front Integr Neurosci 8:41, 2014

GJ Thompson, WJ Pan, ME Magnuson, D Jaeger, SD Keilholz, “Quasi-periodic patterns (QPP): large-scale dynamics in resting state fMRI that correlate with local infraslow electrical activity,” NeuroImage 84C:1018-1031, 2014

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